Black Kyanite Xls.

Each piece of Kyanite is similar to the ones pictured. Kyanite is a polymorph with two other minerals; andalusite and sillimanite.
SKU: 78545
Categories: CRYSTAL

Each piece of Kyanite is similar to the ones pictured. Kyanite is a polymorph with two other minerals; andalusite and sillimanite. A polymorph is a mineral that shares the same chemistry but a different crystal structure with another, or other, minerals. Kyanite is an attractive mineral that is found in different colors. This is Black Kyanite and overall shape is slightly different from the Blue Kyanite. Kyanite has a unique characteristic in that it has a wide variation in hardness, in the same crystal. The hardness of kyanite is approximately 4.5 when scratched parallel to the long axis of the crystal and approximately 6.5 when scratched perpendicular to or across the long axis. Other minerals usually have variable hardness on different crystal faces due to a different concentration and oreintation of the atoms in the structure.

Location: Minas Gerais, Brazil