Specimens from this exclusive location are getting harder to obtain. One can still collect if you are willing to scale the cliffs and seek it out. ...
Location: Miraflores Mine, Huanuco, Huamalias, Peru
These Barite crystals are a solid white color in blade form. There is some contact damage but other than that all of the crystals are in great ...
Location: Miraflores Mine, Huanuco, Huamalias, Peru
These Benitoite crystals are not only in great condition, but they are so close to gem quality its ridiculous!
Benitoite is 1 1/4"" Thumbnail Benitoite crystal specimen is a very deep navy blue color. IT is in the typical Ditrigonal Dipyramidal crystal shape ...
The Neptunite on this specimen is the most noticeable thing on here.
This is a pale blue, etched termination from Brazil. It is very interesting and a beautiful piece.
This is a pale blue, etched termination from Brazil. It is very interesting and a beautiful piece.
Though they may not be entirely visible from the picture, there are quite a few Bixbyite crystals.