Hi there and welcome to my website, CAM'S CRYSTAL GALLERY. I've recently setup the websites Kristauphe-Gems and YourOnlineRockShop, and am in the process of changing things around a bit at Cam's Crystal Gallery.
Please use CamsCrystalGallery@gmail.com for email communication.
I've started up the website in honor of my Grandfather, John Ray Foster. He is the person who started me out in the world of minerals. Just he and I would go on outings to old mines and current digs and go through them. Unfortunately he died a few years ago and I miss him very much.
My love of the beautiful and unique gifts that this earth offers us was awakened again after being dormant for a few years.
I offer you the opportunity to view my site: YourOnlineRockShop.com where I offer many fine quality minerals, crystals, fossils, and gems at at prices on par or exceeding, I hope you agree, the worth and value of the specimen.
Over the transition period of a few months, please be patient with the changes. Not all items I have in stock are on the website so please email me with any items that you may want. I can always provide additional pictures of any item you desire.
As always my goal is to provide you with a specimen that you find of great value to you, at a price you are pleased with. I will always honor the return of items that you are not happy with following the terms of returns. Please enjoy my site and view the always one of a kind items that are given from the earth to us bring joy into our lives.
Medford, OR 97501